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Racing In Kansas

Offy Killer
No. 25 Sprint Car
Jetmore Motoplex
July 2005

Offy Killer, No. 25 Sprint Car, built by the late Chet Wilson, Wichita, in the mid 1950s, at Jetmore Motorplex, Evert Issac Memorial Vintage Car Race, July 30, 2005, with George Laughead. Thanks to Jerry Wilson, Wichita, owner and driver.


[photograph: Offy Killer, No. 25 Sprint Car Jetmore Motorplex,  Evert Issac Memorial Vintage Car Race, July 30, 2005, Jetmore, KS, with George Laughead.]

More on Chet Wilson
and on his Offy Killer, No. 25 Sprint Car

Site author: George Laughead. Thanks to Lynn H. Nelson, original author, WWW-VL: United States History index.

Return to Racing In Kansas or the Kansas Heritage Group.
Site previously maintained at the University of Kansas. Posted: 25 August 2005. Updated: 15 May 2021. Hosted at Kansas History.
(©2005, George Laughead)