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Racing In Kansas

Dave Ross
Flying Farmer
No. 54 Rail Race Car
Jetmore, KS

Flying Farmer David "Davey" Ross, in No. 54 on farm, Jetmore, KS, 1961.

This is the second car Ross built -- he was 19 years old. (Car was later painted pink.) Currently owned and being restored by Troy Burnett, Dodge City, KS. Photograph by Ralph Sturgeon, Fowler, KS. Used with permission. 2005


Photograph courtesy: Roger and Troy Burnett, Dodge City, KS.

[photograph: David Davey Ross, Flying Farmer, in No. 54 at McCarty Speedway, Dodge City, 1961 Second car Ross built -- he was 17 years old. Car was pink -- now owned and restored by Troy Burnett, Dodge City, KS.]

More Dave Ross

Also see: Offy Killer No. 25 Sprint Car, Chet Wilson, Wichita
Site author: George Laughead Thanks to the late Prof. Lynn H. Nelson, original author, WWW-VL: History: American West.
Return to Racing In Kansas or to Dodge City History or the Kansas Heritage Group. Site previously maintained at the University of Kansas. Posted: 28 August 2005. Updated: 06 Nov 2017. Hosted at Kansas History.
(Web page © 2021 George Laughead)