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Racing In Kansas

Chalk Beeson, Dodge City Pioneer
Long Branch Saloon Owner
Willy's Overland Car, 1910

[Photo: Willy's
Overland Car, 6-Cylinders.  Bob Rath, son of buffalo hunter, Charles Rath,
second from left; Chalk Beeson, Dodge City pioneer owner of Long Branch
saloon, center. Circa 1910, Dodge City .]

Willy's Overland Car, 6-Cylinders. Bob Rath, son of buffalo hunter Charles Rath, second from left; Chalk Beeson, Dodge City pioneer owner of the Long Branch saloon, center -- Chalkley served drinks to Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, and Bat Masterson. Circa 1910, Dodge City. All rights reserved, Ford County Historical Society.

Also see: McCarty Speedway 1956 Trophy Dash Champion Team
Site author: George Laughead Jr. Thanks to Lynn H. Nelson, original author, WWW-VL: American West History.

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Site previously maintained at the University of Kansas. Posted: 25 August 2003. Updated: 06 July 2011. Hosted at Kansas History.