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Ford County Historical Society
Dodge City, Kansas

FCHS Permission For Educational Use
Teacher Guides And Web Site Citation For Students

Permission for use of the Ford County Historical Society web site material is granted for classroom use. Permission for other non-profit use may be granted upon receipt of an mail request to the FCHS explaining the proposed use. A reply with the permission will be forthcoming.

Credits to FCHS in the form: (Courtesy: Ford County Historical Soc., Dodge City, KS: www.kansashistory.us/fordco/) should accompany any materials used.

Requests for permissions for the commercial use of FCHS web site material should be e-mailed to FCHS.

Use of FCHS photographs will be granted on the same basis. Credit should be: (Courtesy: Ford County Historical Soc., Dodge City, KS: www.kansashistory.us/fordco/)

We would appreciate, in all cases, hearing from those using these materials and would particularly appreciate comments as to their utility as well as suggestions of how we might improve our services.

Send requests or suggestions to: Permissions, Ford County Historical Society, PO Box 131, Dodge City, KS 67801-0131

The Kansas Heritage Center, Dodge City, provides excellent teaching materials on the Old West and Kansas. Contact them for a catalogue.

Thanks to the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, for hosting the FCHS site.

Teacher Guides

The The American West: WWW-Virtual Library provides a number of links to teacher guides on the American West. If you need resources, please look at this page.

Student Citation Guide

Students using materials from the FCHS web site should use the citation style wanted by their school. However, one endorsed style is:

Ford County Historical Society. "NAME OF ARTICLE OR PHOTOGRAPH." FCHS Web Site. (DATE OF VISIT) http://www.kansashistory.us/fordco/

(©2002-2018 Ford County Historical Society, Inc.)

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